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Wish List 

- #61 HP Printer Ink (for the classroom)

- Expo Spray 

- Dry Erase Markers

- Vis-a-Vis Markers 

- File Folders (letter size)

- Hanging Files (letter size) 

- Velcro

- Treasure Box Items for the kids 

- Tissues

- Hand Sanitizer 

- Stapler and staples

- Scotch Tape 

- Laminating Pouches 

- Sharpies 

- Pencils 

- Lysol Wipes

- Broom and dust pan

- Snacks for the kids  

Thank You for contributing to the media center. Each item on the media center list is asked for as a donation in order to enhance our library. Anything you are willing to donate,in addition to this wish list, is also greatly appreciated!! 

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